Welcome to Nemi Scientific

Nemi Scientific has been engaged in the field of manufacturing since 1978.

Over that time we have acquired necessary skills to become very proficient in developing a line of Guillotines of ULTRA HIGH QUALITY in appearance and function.

Nemi has teamed up with high quality vendors that aide in achieving our goals.

We are pleased to announce that BRAINTREE SCIENTIFIC will be our worldwide distributor.

Braintree scientific will handle all quotation requests and shipments etc.

Nemi is here to offer technical assistance.

Nemi and Braintree Scientific have a time tested relationship and our mutual goal is to offer the highest quality devices at the best possible price.

Nemi Scientific offers a complete line of guillotines to meet your specific needs.
Guillotines for the laboratory.
Guillotines for animal control departments.
Highest quality assured.
Very smooth lever action.
Easily maintained.
Very cost effective.
Contact us for pricing and availability.
Most products are shipped within 2 days from our distribution center.


Rodent guillotines

Many sizes to meet your specific requirements.
Guillotines for animal control departments.
If you need a guillotine we offer the largest selection available world wide.

Contact Nemi Scientific

E-mail: sales@nemiscientific.com
Phone: 508-533-2436
If you need technical assistance we are here to help.
We accept all major credit cards.

About Our Color Coded Guillotines

Nemi Guillotines are color coded.
Blue...is our standard line
Red...is our heavy duty line
Yellow...is for mice
Green...is for very large animals (animal control)

About Our Animal Control Units - Green Colored

These are very large guillotines designed to help animal control departments deal with rabid animals and the required procedures to process the evaluation of the subject.

The units are made very robust and can be completely hosed down after use.

They are very safe to use if the procedures are followed.

We understand that budgets are stressed for most departments, so in designing this device we made all the necessary adjustments to make these devices very affordable.

All you have to do is contact us if you have any questions. We are here to serve.

Our Products


Model 616 mouse guillotine

Opening 1 1/2 inches along each side

Special this month - $495.00


Model 801

Opening 1 1/2 inches along each side


Model 802

Used for mice and rats
Opening 2 inches along each side


Model 802-HD

Opening 2 inches along each side

Special this month - $850.00


Model 803

Used for larger rats
Opening 3 inches along each side


Model 804 Standard Duty

Opening 4 inches along each side


Model 804-HD

Used for larger rats
Opening 4 inches along each side

Special this month - $1,395.00


806 Standard Duty

Opening 6 inches along each side



Used for very large subjects
Model 808 is 8 inches along each side
Model 812 is 12 inches along each side


Model NS 808 - Front


Model NS 808 - Back


Model NS 808 - with table


Model 52

NEMI Scientific, Inc. All Rights reserved